Bookmark Design Contest

Last year, I designed bookmarks for my students at the beginning of the year. This year, I wanted to give my students the chance to design our bookmarks. A bookmark design contest was a great way to get students involved at the start of the school year!

CMS Bookmark Design Contest by librariantiff

I invited students to submit their digital images or drawings for the contest. It was so exciting to have over 40 submissions for the contest, and even more exciting to see the awesome talent at our school on display!

You can check out the submissions on our CMS Flickr page here. I’m so proud of all of the submissions and the hard work that went into creating them!

I had our administrators pick the top 15. Those were posted on Schoology, our school’s LMS, and students were able to vote for their favorite. The three bookmarks that received the most votes were the ones I had printed!

The students have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the new bookmarks, and they arrived this afternoon!! I’m so excited to put them out tomorrow, and especially excited to call in the winners and present them with a stack of their very own bookmarks in print!

Here are our winning designs:Photo Sep 04, 4 30 58 PM

11 thoughts on “Bookmark Design Contest

  1. Another great idea! Thanks… I find our store bought bookmarks all over the place, and they even come back in returned books quite often. This makes me not want to spend money on them for the students. So, when I cut up construction paper and put it out this year, there was some broken hearts. This would solve the problem easily. Giving the students some ownership over the bookmarks would clearly create some urgency in keeping track of them. I will work with our art teacher and get this going in my middle school. I may even have enough of the winning bookmarks made for the elementary school, those children will love knowing it was their sister, or sister’s friend, cousin, etc. that made them. Great community wide effect. Thanks for another wonderful idea! Keep ’em comin’.

    Gail Grim

    1. I have a box filled with bookmarks and honestly, if a mark comes back with a returned book I’ll either pull it and put it back in the box for the next person or just leave it in the book for the next reader. But I’d never go as far as just doing construction paper, perhaps if there are any museums or something in your area ask them if they have public advert style bookmarks that they give out… I know a lot of my bookmarks are just Provincial Education tags. The kids don’t complain 🙂

  2. I really love this idea and would like to borrow it for this school year! I assume you took pictures of the hand-drawn/colored bookmarks and then uploaded those files to Thank you for all of your advice, guidance, ideas, etc!

  3. I want to thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas and inspiration! This year I became both the middle and high school library media specialist for our new school (without any support), after working at the high school for 16 years. And I didn’t know the middle school scheduled classes with me until September, while in the midst of unpacking and organizing the new library. So I have been trying to create a welcoming library for grades 6-12, continue to perform all my high school duties (including GSuite administrator), try to absorb all the new responsibilities from the middle school, and develop a middle school curriculum from scratch. Your posts and so many of the helpful comments of your readers truly have been a lifesaver! Thank you all so much for sharing great lessons and projects. I’m still completely overwhelmed by all the hats I wear, but I can already see that next year will be so much better. Thanks again!!

  4. Thank you for this great idea! I’m so impressed that you were using an LMS, Flickr, and PicMonkey in 2014. My technology journey has been a bit slower than yours! My guess is there are many graphic design software programs available now… Will I sound outdated if I suggest PicMonkey now?

    This is only my fourth year as a librarian, and my second year in a middle school. I have to thank The Daring Librarian for directing me to your site. I will have to explore your many ideas.

    I hope this will cut back on dog-earing the pages!
    Thanks so much!

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