I <3 Banned Books!

Banned book week is coming up…Holla!

I love to read banned books to see what all the fuss is about. Then I get worked up, because I know that 99 times out of 100, the person trying to ban the book did not read it in its entirety. I read about this challenge and really want to participate. Grad school is kicking my butt once again, but I’ve decided that this is something I really want to do, even if I can’t commit to reading very many books.

Head on over to Steph Su Reads to find out more about the Ban This! Challenge. I’m committing to read 3 banned/challenged books. I found a really great list of banned/challenged book by the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression. I’m lovin’ this list because it tells about the challenge or banning related to each book on the list. So I found a few books that sound intriguing and plan to pick them up at the public library this morning. Also, I recently read and wrote about Forever and The Golden Compass here. Those are both books that have gotten some people all riled up.

And of course, I can’t have a post about banned books without throwing in a shameless self-promotion about my upcoming interview with the UH-MAZING Story Snoops. I’ve been raving about this fabulous site, and apparently they love me back because they wanted to interview me for a blog series they’re doing for banned book week. They’re also featuring Judy Blume and Meg Cabot. So yeah, saying that I’m PUMPED is the understatement of the millennium. You’ll hear about this again (and again and again), you can bet on that!

So what’s your favorite banned/challenged book? I really want to know 🙂  If I haven’t read it, I’ll have to put it on my list!

4 thoughts on “I <3 Banned Books!

  1. Lots of favorites from the challenged list like My Brother Sam is Dead, Bridge to Terabithia, and currently enjoying The Earth, My Butt and other Big Round Things by Carolyn Mackler

    1. Ohh I love Bridge to Terabithia as well! Probably time for a re-read on that one! Thanks for the comment 🙂

  2. Go Ask Alice was an important book for me in HS. When I was librarian in a MS, I bought it several times. It was eagerly read and passed around, before vanishing. I restocked it each year. Same thing with Cut, a newer title. I never had a challenge from a parent. A few teachers expressed disapproval, however.

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