What Hanson has taught me about passion…

So guess what I did last night? I went to my 5th Hanson concert 🙂

cc Photo by Rebecca Bollwitt

I love Hanson. I am a devoted fan and have been for about 15 years now. Everyone who knows me KNOWS that they are my favorite band and has been forced to listen to the million reasons that I love these guys. At a time when fame is fleeting and young celebrities often fall to addiction or scandal, Isaac, Taylor, and Zac are not cut from the same cloth. For one thing, they put out real, clean, inspired music. They are grounded and family oriented, devoted to their music and to philanthropic work with their organization Take the Walk. And on top of all of that awesomeness, they are incredibly talented. They are the whole package — singers, musicians, and songwriters. They just ooze creativity and originality…and yeah, hotness 🙂

So you might be thinking, “I didn’t even know those kids were still around? They’re actually still playing concerts and putting out albums?” UM, YES! They never stopped. And they still have a really strong fan base. I’m talking crazy devoted fans. And we are devoted because they are genuinely good guys that are incredibly passionate about what they do.

From last nights show…. so much <3 and greatness!

So what have the brothers of Hanson taught me about passion?

Do what you love; love what you do. Anyone who has seen Hanson perform live can feel their passion when they play their music. The music they play is their own creation and something that they are obviously proud of. They have fun and you can see it in their faces. I’m sure they have their bad days — we all do — but you can really tell that they are doing what they love and have followed their hearts to build their career.

Don’t sell out. The guys have managed to stay grounded and committed to their beliefs consistently throughout their career. There was a point early in their career where they could have sold out to try and follow the trends, but they didn’t. They stayed firm in their beliefs and stayed true to their music. In fact, they have become even more focused on their passion and goals as they grew up. They’ve found ways to use their music to partner with other groups working to bring relief to those who need it in Africa. If what others want from you is not the vision that you have for yourself, you’ll come to the point where you have to decide to stay true to your passion or sell out. It’s inspiring to see stories where people have stayed true and faithful to what they are passionate about.

Don’t give up. 15 years later and these guys are still making and playing music. In the music industry, that’s a long freakin’ time. Especially for a group whose oldest member is 30. And I have faith that they still have many years of beautiful music making ahead of them. Knowing what you’re passionate about at a young age is rare. Sticking with it even when it isn’t easy is seen even less. I consider myself blessed to have learned what I am truly passionate about so early in my career. I know that there are so many days where it would be easier if I could just let it go and just do what’s necessary, but I don’t think I could be content to just coast (and I hope I never find out!).

Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and mix things up. Even though Hanson still embraces their past (and always play MmmBop at a concert), they are always trying new things and putting themselves out there. Taylor collaborated with an amazing group of artists and they put out an album as the band Tinted Windows (I had to travel to NYC to see them perform, but thats a whole different topic about obsession, not to be confused with passion). Hanson is currently on their Musical Ride Tour and they are crowd sourcing each performance, so to speak. Those attending at each venue have the chance to vote from three of their released albums to select which will make up the bulk of the songs played for that night. Talk about trying something a little off the wall! They have to be able to play basically off the cuff any song from their five major albums. They aren’t afraid to push themselves musically, and the results are always amazing.

These three brothers from Tulsa, Oklahoma inspire me, as they have for many years. Their music has been known to perk me up on a bad day. Seeing them in concert evokes the crazy emotions of my crazy 13 year old self. But most importantly, they set the example of what it means to commit yourself to do what you love and follow your passion.

I also love and am inspired by my BFF Desti! We have shared our Hanson love since middle school! I wish I had pictures of us to post from all 5 of our shows, but this is from last night…such a great time!

One thought on “What Hanson has taught me about passion…

  1. Hey Librariantiff,
    Cool Post, I really want to be taught the dance from the tunes video for the tune I’ve been pondering about somethin’ by hanson. I really don’t want to just view the video clip and find out that way, I was hoping probably an individual else may likely have done a video training you the dance. If there isn’t really a single i can just preserve observing the songs video clip but it would be practical if there was another way.
    Good Job!

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